Monday, December 22, 2008

An email I received today....

Hey again,
I got an email at work today from a friend we grew up with. I'm sure she won't mind me sharing this, just to give you a little glimpse into April as a high school kid... the email is copied below.

"......I don't have a computer or internet at home so I look forward each morning to checking your blog for updates on April. Please tell her that I think about her and her family every day and pray that someone is willing to donate a heart to her as soon as possible. When I told some of my co-workers about April memories of my time playing basketball with her came rushing back. The one thing I kept thinking about was our time spent in basketball camps at Appalachian State. Our schedule at camp was always very strict and we had to be in our beds and lights out at curfew....10:00PM or 11:00PM. Camp leaders would walk around the dorm, inside the halls and outside, to see if lights were on or if anyone was up. Little April got spotted by someone outside as she stood in her window reading her Bible by the night lights outside shining in. The punishment was running up and down the stairs of the dorm and April did so until someone explained and the camp leader sent her back to her room. We all got a kick out the whole thing but this just defines April's faith and dedication. I think that April's unconditional faith will bring her through this and she will touch the "hearts" of many I'm sure. Well, duty calls and I must go. Again, Please tell April I'm thinking of her every day."

How's that for a 'High School Rebel"?!?!?!

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